Champion Blog


September 24, 2021
Buried Utilities: Electrical Conduit is an Important Part of Protecting Power and Transmission Lines from Wind and Fire
In case you had not noticed, there’s been a lot of utility infrastructure talk in the news this year. Whatever the prompts — windy weather events like hurricanes in Florida and Louisiana and wildfires in California, freezes in Texas and even electric vehicles — there is no doubt that the
August 20, 2021
With A Like-Minded Customer Focus, A.A. MacPherson and Champion Fiberglass Align to Help Project Owners Achieve Success
Learn how manufacturer’s Rep agency A.A. MacPherson Company and Champion Fiberglass work together for successful project outcomes.
August 17, 2021
2021 Electrical Conduit Trends in Data Center Construction
Digital infrastructure. Connectivity. The cloud. The fourth utility. Digital transformation. We’ve heard terms like these bantered about over the last year. WIth the pandemic increasing our reliance on the Internet for school and work, it is no wonder. About this, the report Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) – Global Market Trajectory &
July 14, 2021
Watson Sales Company: An Educational Approach to Electrical Conduit Sales Drives Growth
Learn how manufacturer’s Rep agency Watson Sales Company and Champion Fiberglass work together for successful project outcomes.
July 14, 2021
Champion Fiberglass® Honors 20+ year Employees
Recently, Champion Fiberglass celebrated employees that have been with the company for many years.
July 14, 2021
Understanding Epoxy Chemical Resistance
As a building material, electrical conduit is used in a wide range of applications across industrial construction, from bridges and data centers to utilities and wastewater treatment plants, where it serves to organize and protect cables and wires in raceways. Conduit provides mechanical protection, and caustic environments demand corrosion protection
June 17, 2021
Get Project Collaboration Tips and Resources in Our Guide to Electrical Conduit Technology Tools
Digital transformation is happening at a swift pace across most industries. And the electrical industry is no different. At Champion Fiberglass® we thrive on technology and innovation, from our 100 percent digital facility to the tools we provide customers. As an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified company, we operate
June 15, 2021
JD Martin and Champion Fiberglass: Working Together for Successful Project Outcomes Since 2005
Learn how manufacturer’s Rep agency JD Martin and Champion Fiberglass® work together for successful project outcomes.
May 21, 2021
Why Engineers Should use Fiberglass Conduit Instead of PVC for Industrial/Commercial Applications
Industrial and commercial construction projects are wide and varying in scope. They demand a strong, low-maintenance, durable electrical conduit that is lightweight, versatile and easy to install. Industrial construction refers to industrial buildings, such as factories or warehouses, where products are made or stored. Examples include printing facilities, pulp and