We’re Committed to Manufacturing Quality Products for Build America Buy America
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act encompassing the Build America Buy America Act was enacted on November 15, 2021. The Act strengthens Made in America Laws and will bolster America’s industrial base, protect national security, and support high-paying jobs.
To align with the act’s funding criteria, Champion Fiberglass® has expanded facilities, updated equipment, enhanced sustainability and fortified the supply chain for Champion Duct®, Champion Strut™, and Champion Bridge Drain™, all made in the USA in our Spring, Texas manufacturing facility. These measures not only guarantee compliance but also enhance product quality and help reduce lead times, which in turn saves customers valuable materials and installation costs.
Notable U.S. Projects

Made in America Champion Fiberglass Milestones
- Authorship of the first official fiberglass conduit standard (UL 1684) by Underwriters Laboratory in 1996. Subsequently these standards have been updated and currently stand as UL 2515 and UL 2420
- Development of the first epoxy fiberglass conduit for use above ground in 1988 and later, phenolic conduit in 1989
- ISO 14001 (2001) and 9001 (2006) achieved
- Additional UL listings for extended support spans are achieved in 2016 and 2017
- In 2019, a third production line was added
- Also in 2019, ISO 45001 standards achieved
- New product lines Champion Strut™ and Champion Bridge Drain™ are added in 2021
- Fifth Year as a Composites World Top Shop (2024)