Donna Young

Tell us about your role at Champion Fiberglass.

I serve as Region/Project Sales Manager. My territory includes the southeastern U.S.

Tell us about your background.
I’ve worked extensively in sales throughout my career. Most recently, I served as Project Sales Manager for US Tray, where I provided sales support to distributors and rep agencies in the eastern half of the U.S. for over 10 years.

What attracted you to the role at Champion Fiberglass?

Champion Fiberglass has an impeccable reputation in the market. I am excited to align myself with such a high caliber group of professionals! I look forward to contributing as we continue to grow and expand our reach. We have an amazing story to tell about our product, service and commitment to the customer – no matter how large or small the project. 

How do you spend your time when not working?

I am a partner in an antique mall, so weekends are busy! I am also a rabid Georgia Bulldogs fan so Saturdays during football season are spent cheering the Dawgs. My husband and I also enjoying gardening, refinishing furniture and camping.

Tell us something people might not know about you.

When I was a little girl, my grandfather said, “Every little girl should collect something.” He then gave me my first piece of milk glass. I still collect the paneled grape pattern and love searching flea markets, yard sales and estate sales for pieces to add to my 100+ piece collection.

What are you most excited about for 2023, personally and/or professionally?

I am looking forward to continuing to share the Champion Fiberglass message with our market.  This is a new product line for me, and I am excited to learn, grow and expand my knowledge.  We have an awesome team, and I am blessed to play a role. 2023 will be an exciting year for us!

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