This week’s match was a face-off to see which teams would move on to the playoffs. It pitted our Spartans against the Västerås Roedeers. The Spartans took to the field sporting many injuries they’d sustained throughout the season but determined not to let the pain hold them back. Many Spartans were assigned to new (to them) positions. Offensively, the match was their best of the season, even though the wide receivers were playing those positions for the first time.

At half time, the Spartans were ahead with a score of 12 – 7. The second half began to wear on the Spartans, with the weight of a long season of injuries, and setbacks beginning to take its toll. In the end, the Roedeers performed a triple offensive play, overwhelming the Spartans’ defense and taking the score to 27 – 24, with the win going to the Roedeers.

Our Spartans have performed bravely and shown great team spirit throughout a season of injuries and setbacks. They’ve never wavered in their positive outlook, or in the friendship and consideration they show each other. Although this season is over, we’re sure that next season will be one to look forward to. We salute you for a great season, Spartans – you’re an inspiration to us all!


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