Custom Color-Matched Conduit Manufactured to Meet Customer Specifications

In August 2016, Pittsburgh’s Andy Warhol (Seventh Street) Bridge closed for a $26 million improvement and repair project. The nearly 1,100-foot bridge is one of the “Three Sisters” built to span the Allegheny River in the mid 1920s. Since the original construction, none of the bridges had seen a significant overhaul, and new construction on the bridge included a concrete deck, lighting, drainage systems, updated lane configuration, and a new coat of hometown-proud yellow paint – plus, a special request for customized conduit.
Duquesne Light Company was charged with replacing the GRC conduit that was currently carrying power into downtown Pittsburgh, and had a special request for Champion Fiberglass. They needed a lightweight, cost-efficient conduit to replace the heavy GRC conduit – and that conduit had to be a bright, vibrant Aztec Gold, the color that represents all three of Pittsburgh’s major sports franchises: the NFL’s Pittsburgh Steelers, the NHL’s Pittsburgh Penguins and Major League Baseball’s Pittsburgh Pirates.
Champion Fiberglass is no stranger to providing customized solutions to customer specifications. From unique bends to fittings built to customer plans, Champion Fiberglass is well equipped to deliver. Color matching was no different. In this case, Champion Fiberglass obtained the Federal Standard color details for Aztec Gold, enabling a perfect color match. During the manufacturing process, Champion Fiberglass replaced the commonly used grey or black pigment that gives most epoxy fiberglass its color with the vibrant Aztec Gold pigment.
The bridge reopened in November, 2017, featuring conduit that not only matches the deep gold shade of the Seventh Street Bridge itself, it gives Pittsburgh residents a flash of hometown pride as they make their morning and evening commutes. With strong, reliable Champion Fiberglass as the electrical conduit of choice on this project, the city can look forward to this colorful conduit brightening up the Seventh Street Bridge while providing excellent, long-lasting protection for downtown Pittsburgh’s power supply.